How to get ready for the summer the Maria Ozawa way

How to get ready for the summer the Maria Ozawa way

April 7, 2022

How to get ready for the summer the Maria Ozawa way 

 Would you believe that summer of 2022 is already near? It’s understandable since our internal clocks haven’t been the same since the pandemic hit. Now that the world is gradually opening up, it’s time to work on our body goals with my help. 

Here are three tips on how to get a sexy summer Maria Ozawa body. 

1. Make your targets attainable 

Before you begin a fitness program, make sure that they are achievable. This is the first thing people do wrong when exercising, and it doesn’t involve any physical work yet. 

It’s no use aiming for washboard abs in two weeks. Unless you’ve already started a long time ago, it doesn’t happen that way. 

Unreachable body goals are counterproductive. First, it can discourage you from continuing if you don’t immediately notice the changes. Second, pushing yourself too hard can cause injuries that further hold back your progress. Third, it’s unhealthy to go from zero to 100 in just a snap. 

Even car engines need to be warmed up. Speaking of warming up. 

2. Warming up, cooling down, and stretching are important 

The three items I mentioned above are some of the most forgotten parts of doing training, yet they are the most crucial. Warming up before we start, stretching to limber up our muscles, and cooling down after an intense workout prevent injuries and maximize gains. 

You know what else we can do that further ramps up the effectiveness of our exercise? Read on. 

3. Diet and exercise double our gains

What’s proper diet and nutrition without exercise, and vice versa? People usually needs to be reminded that one complements the other. This is how athletes keep in shape, and them being in peak form, we should follow their example. 

Diet isn’t about changing what we eat, although that helps. It’s about regulating how much we intake. Exercising doesn’t need to be done in the gym. There are a lot of drill guides found online that can be done at home. 

Cardio is a workout 

Did I say three tips? Consider this a bonus pointer that you can do for summer of 2022 and beyond. 

Cardio isn’t only about walking, running, or jogging. Depending on the exercises you do, they can already be a complete workout. Some of these can be done with limited spaces. 

Burpees, climbers, marches, jumping jacks, punches, and squats are all stationary activities that use your body weight and nothing else. You don’t need to move around to perform them, and you don’t need to have expensive gym equipment to execute these moves. You stay put in one place, yet you can feel the burn after several sets and reps. 

These routines will increase your heartbeat, engage your core, and work on your quads. A healthy heart is a healthy body; a strengthened core is what gives our upper body stability and strength; and strong quads improve our balance, and we no longer need to have a “leg day”.  

To close, remember to follow the above tips that I shared to get the Maria Ozawa body you desire.